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Costa Rica is a beautiful country located in Central America, known for its rich biodiversity and wildlife. One of the most fascinating creatures that can be found in this country is the butterfly. With over 1,200 species of butterflies inhabiting the region, Costa Rica is a popular destination for nature enthusiasts and scientists alike. In this blog, we will discuss some of the most fascinating species of butterflies found in Costa Rica.

Blue Morpho Butterfly (Morpho Menelaus)

The Blue Morpho Butterfly is one of the most iconic species found in Costa Rica. Known for its striking blue coloration, this butterfly is truly a sight to behold. Its wingspan can reach up to 8 inches, making it one of the largest butterflies in the world. The Blue Morpho Butterfly can be found in the rainforests of Costa Rica, where it feeds on rotting fruit and tree sap.

Glasswing Butterfly (Greta Oto)

The Glasswing Butterfly is another species found in Costa Rica that is truly unique. Its transparent wings make it almost invisible when it is in flight, making it one of the most fascinating butterflies to observe. The Glasswing Butterfly can be found throughout the country, but it is most commonly found in the lowland rainforests.

Owl Butterfly (Caligo Memnon)

The Owl Butterfly is another large species of butterfly found in Costa Rica. Its distinctive eye spots on its wings make it easy to identify. The Owl Butterfly can be found in a variety of habitats, from lowland rainforests to mountain forests. It feeds on rotting fruit and tree sap.

Zebra Longwing Butterfly (Heliconius Charithonia)

The Zebra Longwing Butterfly is a striking species that can be found in the forests of Costa Rica. Its black and white striped wings make it one of the most easily recognizable species. The Zebra Longwing Butterfly feeds on nectar from a variety of flowers and can often be seen flying in large groups.

Postman Butterfly (Heliconius Melpomene)

The Postman Butterfly is another species found in Costa Rica that is easily identifiable by its bright orange and black wings. This butterfly can be found in a variety of habitats, from lowland rainforests to mountain forests. The Postman Butterfly feeds on nectar from a variety of flowers and is an important pollinator in the region.

Costa Rica is a true paradise for butterfly lovers. With over 1,200 species of butterflies found in the country, there is always something new and fascinating to discover. The Blue Morpho Butterfly, Glasswing Butterfly, Owl Butterfly, Zebra Longwing Butterfly, and Postman Butterfly are just a few examples of the incredible diversity of butterflies that can be found in Costa Rica. If you are planning a trip to this beautiful country, make sure to take the time to appreciate these magnificent creatures in their natural habitats.